TA.XTplusC Texture Analyser
Our most popular single column Texture Analyser for universal application.

The TA.XTplusC is Stable Micro Systems' flagship texture analysis instrument
Fully-featured texture analysis
A single-column, portable solution for your texture analysis and materials property testing, measuring up to 50kg in force. With a speed range of 0.01 to 40mm/second this extremely precise model can be programmed to conduct almost any mechanical test imaginable, allowing the imitation of real-life situations, using any of our vast range of probes and fixtures. It is also available in both standard and extended heights offering testing apertures of 370 and 590mm, and is consequently the most popular choice for universal texture analysis.
Measure virtually anything
It is capable of measuring virtually any physical product characteristic such as hardness, fracturability, adhesiveness, gel strength, extensibility of foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, gels, adhesives and other consumer products.
The TA.XTplusC is commonly employed to measure and quantify fundamental, empirical and imitative tests in both compression and tension, covering those relating to texture analysis, materials properties as well as effects of rheology of solid, semi-solid, viscous liquid, powder and granulate materials.
Built to last
Coupled with easy-to-use Exponent Connect software, this versatile instrument is extraordinarily well-engineered for long-term reliability and accuracy.
Run from any device
All Stable Micro Systems Connect series Texture Analysers are capable of operation by the standard equipment Touchscreen Interface as well as by a desktop or laptop PC. In addition, they may also be operated from a mobile phone or tablet using the Browser Interface. Learn more
Use your Texture Analyser to:
Measure and quantify your product’s textural/mechanical properties objectively and accurately which can be archived and retrieved for future viewing.
Determine the textural/mechanical properties of your ‘gold standard’ product to ensure consistent quality control of your products into the future.
Assess raw materials, ingredients, excipients, semi-finished goods, packaging and finished components or products.
Determine the effects of formulation or processing variables on end-product acceptability
Assess textural/mechanical property changes during storage or transportation
Compare your products with competitive products
Substantiate your product claims

TA.XTplusC Technical Specification
Force capacity: 50kg.f (500N)
Force resolution: 0.1g
Loadcells: 0.5, 5, 30, 50kg.f
Speed range: 0.01 – 40mm/s
Maximum aperture: 370mm/590mm
Distance resolution: 0.001mm
Data acquisition rate: 2000pps
Not sure what specification or model you need? Compare Texture Analysers
Why choose a Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyser?

The instrument of choice for leading companies and universities across the globe
While our consumers are aware that our instrument is the best in the world, their decision to purchase one is not just based on the hardware. Ultimately, it all comes down to the service we provide to all of our customers. When considering the purchase of a Texture Analyser, our clients consistently cite our experience and desire to assist them with testing issues of all shapes and sizes as the number one reason why a Stable Micro Systems instrument is, and will always be, their first option. There's a reason why why we are the most academically referenced Texture Analyser in the world according to Google Scholar – we offer the complete cutting edge solution.

Further information
Texture Analyser buying advice
Read our guide Seven Tough Questions you should ask before buying a Texture Analyser
Case Studies
Explore our case studies to see how our customers have used their instruments to further their testing requirements and find solutions to testing problems.