Recommended texture analysis literature
Try these books from the best known names in the field.
In the last 25 years, Texture Analysis has grown from an arcane niche activity, interesting only to a handful of academics, to a mainstream necessity for manufacturers' R&D and QA departments in many industries and on every continent.
While much has been written on the subject, we recommend the following volumes for the attention of anyone wishing to have a solid grounding in Texture Analysis.
You can also look for Published References for your particular area of interest.

Instrumental assessment of food sensory quality
Edited by David Kilcast
Instrumental measurements of sensory quality are of growing importance in both complementing data provided by sensory panels and in providing valuable data in situations in which the use of human subjects is not feasible.
656 pages 234 x 156mm hardback
ISBN: 978 0 85709 439 1
September 2013
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Food Texture and Viscosity: Concepts and Measurement
(2nd edition) by Malcolm Bourne
Essential for students and practitioners who need to learn more about the texture and viscosity of foods, how these properties are measured and how they relate to human assessments of textural quality.
ISBN: 0121190625
April 2002
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Food Texture: Measurement and Perception
Edited by A.J. Rosenthal
This book contains several sections on the instrumental measurement of texture and then continues with texture measurement covering certain food product sectors.
ISBN: 978-0834212381
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Journal of Texture Studies
An International Journal of Rheology, Psychorheology, Physical and Sensory Testing of Foods and Consumer Goods
Edited by Christopher R. Daubert, Jianshe Chen, Leif Lundin
This fully peer reviewed international journal addresses the texture and rheology of food and other consumer products and their perception. It is a primary source on all of the sciences that relate to sensory perception and the physical characterisation of texture, and it focuses on how the tactile senses are used to determine the acceptability of food and other consumer products.
Print ISSN: 0022-4901
Online ISSN: 1745-4603
Frequency: Bi-monthly
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Texture in Food Volume 1: Semi-solid foods
Edited by B M McKenna,
University College Dublin, Ireland
448 pages 234 x 156mm hardback
July 2003
ISBN 1 85573 673 X
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Texture in Food Volume 2: Solid foods
Edited by D Kilcast,
Leatherhead Food International, UK
560 pages 234 x 156mm hardback
April 2004
ISBN 1 85573 724 8
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Surimi and Surimi Seafood
Jae W. Park (Editor)
"Park and colleagues, along with the U.S. surimi industry leaders, evaluated 12 samples of surimi gels with a wide range of quality using five units of conventional rheometer or rheotex and two units of TA.XTplus Texture Analyser. Table values show that soft gel could not be measured using any of the five conventional units, while two units of the TA.XTplus were able to detect the gel values. Indeed, the accuracy of the measurement, based on the standard deviation, was much higher with the TA.XTplus instrument. This accuracy might have been due to the ability to calibrate the instrument as needed."
Hard cover 944 pages (March 29, 2005) Publisher: Taylor & Francis Language: English ISBN: 0824726499
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Métodos para Medir las Propiedades Físicas en la Industria de Alimentos
Autor: Alvarado; Editorial: Acribia
La presente publicación ha logrado reunir a un grupo selecto de expertos miembros de la Red Iberoamericana de Propiedades Físicas para el Diseño Industrial, RIPFADI, para abordar en este volumen el tratamiento de los métodos de evaluación de propiedades físicas de los alimentos desde un punto de vista practico, pero a la vez riguroso, útil tanto en los sectores académicos y docentes como también para los técnicos de producción y de laboratorio.
Características: 430 páginas. Encuadernación rústica.
ISBN: 84-200-0939-3

The ICC Handbook of Cereals, Flour, Dough & Product Testing: Methods and Applications
Edited by: Stanley P. Cauvain and
Linda S. Young
This volume is a comprehensive introduction to the techniques and information required for the testing and analysis of cereals throughout the entire grain chain, from breeding through harvesting and storage to processing and the manufacture of cereal-based food products. The book describes testing protocols in detail, offering many practical pointers for testing in fields, food plants, and in stores. It shows how data from the tests are acquired, interpreted, and linked to a range of global testing standards.
ISBN: 978-1-932078-99-2 April 2009, 504 pages, 6x9, hardcover
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Textural Characteristics of World Foods
Edited by Katsuyoshi Nishinari
A complete guide to the textural characteristics of an international array of traditional and special foods. This title applies a detailed set of criteria and characteristics to the textures of traditional and popular foods from across the globe. Structuring chapters by region, its authors chart a journey through the textural landscapes of each continent's cuisines, exploring the complex and symbiotic relationships that exist between texture, aroma, and taste.
Hard cover 424 pages (February 27, 2020) Publisher: Wiley Blackwell: English ISBN: 9781119430698
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Plant Protein Foods
Edited by Annamalai Manickavasagan, Loong-Tak Lim and Amanat Ali
Presents the first comprehensive compilation of literature on plant-based protein foods.
Also discusses consumer trends, marketing opportunities, and future challenges for plant-based protein products
eBook and Hard cover 519 pages (March 29, 2022)
Publisher: Springer, Cham
ISBN: 978-3-030-91206-2 / 978-3-030-91205-5
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Recommended powder analysis literature

Characterisation of Bulk Solids
By: D McGlinchey, Glasgow Caledonian University
80 pages 244 x 172mm hardback Jan 2005 ISBN 1405116242
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