Volscan Profiler Software and Data Analysis
The most comprehensive software in the field with unique data analysis features.
Feature rich software for your instrument
Like the capabilities of the instrument, you’ll want to make sure that the software is as feature-rich as possible for all of your future requirements, while being easy to use for both capturing, analysis and presentation of data.
Since its launch in 2008, the Volscan Profiler and software have continued to evolve to provide new features and testing capabilities. Software is written and developed in-house to make improvements frequently according to customer requests.
Key features

Automatic software measurements and calculations available as standard
Choose which of the following parameters you wish to display – switch off the rest.
Volume, Weight, Specific Volume, Volume Yield, Product Density, Length, Surface Area, Max Height, Width at Max Height, Aspect Ratio at Max. Height, Max Width, Height at Max. Width, Aspect Ratio at Max Width, Height of Middle Slice, Width of Middle Slice, Aspect Ratio of Middle Slice, Minimum Enclosing Circle, Max. Inclusive Square Volume, Trim Percentage, Circumference, Area of Maximum Projection, Largest Radius, Frizziness, Symmetry, Surface Texture.

Data analysis, manipulation and viewing options
The scanned data can be viewed in both 2D and 3D representations to allow comparisons with previous archived measurements. Within the 2D sectional view, additional automatic and manual measurements can be made on chosen intervals or 'slices' of the test data.

3D views of the product are rotatable in all planes providing flexibility of viewing for visual comparison and presentation.

Scan multiple products, then split and analyse each one.

All data is saved in spreadsheet files for easy access and analysis. This data can be viewed in or exported to Microsoft Excel. Data can be sorted by any column header and statistics adjusted according to new data selection.
Results can be quickly emailed by selecting the Mail To button which automatically opens up a message window in Outlook and attaches the active window.
A report template is available into which your data can be dropped and automatically positioned with test data fields or modified using full Report Editing tools and saved as a .pdf file.
Alternatively, images and data can be copied and pasted into other applications.

Free software updates for the life of your instrument
Unmatched continuously enhanced software comes as standard and updates are available to download free of charge from our website. Updates include any small bugs that are found, new features that have been suggested by our users and additional application notes written for your interest.
Stable Micro Systems can guarantee that the Volscan Profiler software is operational in Windows operating systems from Version 10 onwards with Intel 32 bit or 64 bit Multicore CPU or AMD equivalent. This is important to consider as, when your laboratory computer goes down and a new one is installed, you’re likely to have a newer Windows operating system. We’re checking the future is fully-functional for you all of the time!
We're so sure of our products, we also offer complimentary technical support for the life of your instrument.