Stable Micro Systems User Training Courses

We offer a range of training courses – either online or at our UK headquarters throughout the year.

Texture Analysis training

All courses cover essential aspects of both SOFTWARE and APPLICATIONS training.

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One Day User Training Courses

Location: Godalming, UK


You will learn to:

Input settings to control the Texture Analyser Run a test, save data and carry out post-test analysis

Produce graphs with different scales and axes to compare data

View calculated results in a custom made spreadsheet

Produce charts and reports that include this calculated data

Macros and Projects and their relevance to your application will all be revealed!


The latest versions of the TA.XTplusC and TA.HDplusC Texture Analysers will be set up for groups of 4 people to:

Prepare samples and select suitable methods for your applications

• See and handle a variety of probes and fixtures available for the texture analyser range

Observe variations in products due to alignment, grain and non-uniform structure

Calibrate the instrument, change a load cell and carry out simple maintenance

Obtain advice and guidance on your own difficult applications

Measure your own samples by arrangement

Who should attend?

Technical and R&D staff who wish to improve their understanding of texture analysis and who wish to obtain maximum benefit from the use of their plus range Texture Analysers and texture analysis software.

Course topics include:

The Principles of Texture Analysis: types of texture analysis tests and probes and attachments available

Exponent software: making macros, setting up spreadsheets, creating projects etc.

Tips for better testing: how to choose the correct test parameters, guidelines for test choice, sample preparation and more accurate testing

Common problems encountered during the use of your texture analyser and how to get around them

Interactive practicals

There will also be an opportunity to test any samples which you bring along and discuss the optimisation of their testing.

Upcoming dates

• Tuesday 3rd June 2025

• Tuesday 2nd September 2025

• Tuesday 4th November 2025

The charge for this training course will be £150.00 + VAT (this does not include any overnight accommodation), payable to Stable Micro Systems Ltd in advance.

Places for each course will be for a maximum of 8 people. Accommodation can be arranged at additional cost. Registration is at 9.00am. We will require a cheque or purchase order for the full amount to reserve your place. No refund will be offered but you may substitute another delegate at any time.

Training Course Organiser: Claire Venn

To arrange a place:

Tel: +44 (0)1483 427345


More detailed training courses on a variety of specialist testing topics can be arranged on request. Please email us for further information on either of these options.

Advanced training brochure

Advanced User Training

Location: Godalming, UK

We also offer Advanced User Training Courses, usually running over three days at our Godalming headquarters.

Our next course will be from 17 – 19 June, 2025. If you are interested in attending our Advanced User Training course and need more information please download our brochure or use the below button when you're ready to book.

Book now

More detailed training courses on a variety of specialist testing topics can be arranged on request.

Online Training

Location: Online

Available for UK, Sweden, Denmark and Benelux customers. For all other countries, please contact your local distributor.

If you are new to the Texture Analyser, have new testing requirements or need an update on the instrument’s functionality and available features, we are now able to offer Online Training that can be tailored to your needs.

Available via Teams or Zoom, we can easily set up a suitable time to take you through items that you need to understand and be aware of – and then spend some time discussing your bespoke needs.

Items that will be covered include:

• A summary of all of the different types of test the Texture Analyser can perform, so you are aware of its capabilities

• A summary of the important parts of the instrument

• How to calibrate your instrument

• Where to find the Education Zone and Application Studies to help you

• How to set up your own projects

• Choosing the correct test settings for your sample

• Discussing your sample preparation needs

• Running tests and discussing the curves and results

We can also test a small number of your own samples during the training by prior arrangement.

This Online Training Course will typically take 2 hours (for up to 4 colleagues). To discuss your needs further, receive a quotation and book your course contact

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