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We are the most referenced texture analyser manufacturer, according to Google Scholar.

The TA.XTplus – the most academically referenced Texture Analyser in the world.
Every day our Texture Experts receive Google & Google Scholar notifications regarding literature that has been published on research using a Stable Micro Systems Texture Analyser.
We are then quickly able to access this documentation and keep you informed on how our Texture Analysers are being used all over the world. This helps us keep abreast of new application and analysis ideas presented by our customers and adapt our development to new areas of testing interest. With the growing number of Google Scholar notifications we were intrigued to see how frequently the Texture Analyser is being used in academic publications.
We were delighted to have Google Scholar calculate that ours are the most academically referenced Texture Analysers in the world – see for yourself.
Links to all of these published papers are provided within the Education Zone of Exponent Connect software via the Google Scholar search tool. We also have hundreds of our own methods which we have developed as Application Studies that are contained within our Exponent Connect software and provide you with Automatic Project Loading of your chosen Application Method at the click of a button.
We have collated a list of online texture analysis articles which you may find interesting and useful in understanding the field of texture analysis:
Food Industry Articles
How Science Measures Food is an interesting tour of 11 examples of scientific analysis of the food and drinks we consume. Cheese stretchiness and fruit crispness are two examples mentioned that use a Texture Analyser to ensure consumer acceptance. Read more
Food texture: how important is it? – Most of us obsess over flavour of everything from ice cream to chocolate – but the professionals know that crispiness, creaminess and chewiness is just as important. Read this very interesting background to the importance of texture in our food. Read more
The Importance of Texture in Food – Be it clidgy, suent or grumous, the texture of what we eat greatly affects our enjoyment of food. Read more
Consumers Have a Taste for Texture is an excellent article published by IFT summarising the huge interest in texture. It suggests that a focus on texture is a long-term trend worthy of investment for food manufacturers. Read more
Mapping out new Territories for Texture: Texture is being discovered. Or more precisely “rediscovered” by today’s food formulators. And on their voyages of exploration, these “Columbuses” are using more sophisticated—and disciplined—approaches to arrive at a better understanding of texture and how this attribute can be better “mapped out” in its expansion into new territories. Read more
Crunchy, creamy or crisp – Talking texture in New Product Development – Texture is one of the defining attributes of foods and beverages and influences our eating and drinking experience, but how is it important in product development? Find out
The Influence of Flavour on Texture – Flavour often comes first when we think of new product development, yet texture is just as important in influencing our eating experience – and it can even change the food's flavour, and perceptions of natural-ness and how filling it is. Texture can influence flavour in a very concrete way. It affects how food is broken down in the mouth and therefore how the flavour molecules are released onto the tongue and its sensors. Read more
Crunchy, creamy colours: how colour influences food textures is a fascinating article from the University of Auckland. Dr Northey and his fellow researchers wondered if colour influenced not only how we experience or perceive food, but what we expect it to taste, smell and feel like even before putting it in our mouths. So, they designed an ingenious series of studies to investigate colour’s “cross-modal” effect on the expected texture of food. As the researchers predicted, colour influenced expected texture differently according to people’s “need for touch”. Depending on a person’s predisposition for touching objects (their NFT), they responded to colour cues very differently. High NFTs saw foods in red ads as being creamier than foods in blue ads. By contrast, low NFTs perceive red foods as being less creamy. Read more
The Texture of Dairy Foods is as important as flavour, colour – Texture is very important as an aim in itself and as part of the target taste-flavor-texture perception of dairy foods. Read more
Texture, Taste and Aroma: Multi-scale Materials – So what about ‘gastrophysics’? It starts indeed often in the kitchen where many questions pose themselves. It ends in laboratories, at desks and computers, where some of them are solved, and many others are reposed, but in any of these cases, gastrophysics helps to make dishes more exciting and taste better. Gastrophysical results show their consequences immediately. Read more
Oral processing, Texture and Mouthfeel: From rheology to tribology and beyond – Texture and mouthfeel arising from the consumption of food and beverages are critical to consumer choice and acceptability. While the food structure design rules for many existing products have been well established the current drive to produce healthy consumer acceptable food and beverages is pushing products into a formulation space whereby these design rules no longer apply. Read more
Cosmetics Industry Articles
The Pleasure of Texture in Cosmetics – This article presents today’s most striking trends in textures and explains how consumers will influence textures for cosmetics and gives an outlook on the future of cosmetic textures. Read more
Sensory Profiling of Cosmetic Products: Could it be easier? Use of Rheology and Textural Analysis – Certain sensory attributes, used for the description of the product in pick up and rub in phase, could be predicted to some extent by instrumental, i.e. rheological and textural measurements. Therefore, sensory profiling could be simplified and consequently more cost-effective with the employment of instrumental tools. Read more
Predicting sensory texture properties of cosmetic emulsions by physical measurements – In order to be more cost and time efficient, alternative methods have been employed in the characterisation of the behaviour of skin care products. Rheology and texture analysis are two of the common physical measures in the characterisation of physical properties of food products, and they have been applied in cosmetic science to help predict the sensory properties of cosmetic creams and lotions. Read more
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