Pasta and noodle texture measurement

Let us show you a range of possibilities for measuring textural properties of pasta and noodle products with a Texture Analyser.

Measure a multitude of textures from raw ingredients to finished product.

The pasta industry faces many innovative challenges driven by increasing consumer demand for premium products, health properties and an interest in more adventurous food. The development of wholegrain, gluten-free and fortified pasta in a multitude of shapes and sizes holds the potential to increase market share.

Quality control methods with objective test equipment, such as the TA.XTplus Texture Analyser, are available to monitor the effect of ingredient quality and processing methods on cooked and uncooked product texture. We have developed a wide range of texture evaluation methods for use in near-line production or in R&D. The break strength and flexure of dried pasta and the tensile strength, firmness and stickiness of cooked pasta are typical examples of tests that have been developed for use as practical, fast and cost-effective quality control tools.

Meanwhile, the almost universal usage of rice as a staple food makes it an obvious area for texture analysis testing, and the development of the Rice Extrusion Rig has been a typical response. This rig allows the determination of rice kernel resistance to extrusion after cooking according to ISO 11747.

A wide range of PASTA AND RICE PRODUCT test methods (including AACC and ISO Standards) is built into Exponent Texture Analyser software and will automatically load at the click of a button. We help make your testing quicker to access and the analysis of your product properties already prepared for you.

Typical measurements include: • AACC Standard Method 66-50.01 and 66.52.01 • ISO 11747 Rice Kernel Resistance • Firmness • Pasta/Rice Stickiness • Tensile Strength • Extensibility • Flexure •

When a test solution doesn’t exist we go ahead and develop it – the Triple Ring Cutting System, the Rice Extrusion Rig and Noodle Loop Tensile Rig are classic examples of our Registered Community Designs that provide new ways to measure pasta or rice texture.

No one knows more about the texture analysis of pasta and rice products – but don’t just take our word for it, read an example of what our customers have to say.

Any of the Texture Analyser range can be used for the product tests listed. 

A selection of special attachments and typical measurements which are commonly used in this application area are shown below, although this does not necessarily include the complete range available for the testing of pasta and rice products. Test procedures include: compression, puncture / penetration, tension, fracture / bending, extrusion, cutting / shearing.

Spaghetti Flexure Rig

Spaghetti Flexure Rig

This rig measures the compression and flexure characteristics of uncooked spaghetti.

5-blade Kramer Shear Cell

Kramer Shear Cell – 5 bladed

This rig performs a bulk compression / shearing test, particularly useful when trying to assess the firmness of cooked pasta shapes.

Noodle/Pasta Loop Cutter and Adapters

Noodle/Pasta Loop Cutter and Adapters

This rig allows preparation of sheeted pasta/noodles for subsequent measurement of extensibility and tensile strength

Registered Community Design
Rice Extrusion Rig

Rice Extrusion Rig

Used to determine rice kernel resistance to extrusion after cooking according to ISO standard 11747.

Registered Community Design
Triple Ring Cutting System

Triple Ring Cutting System

This attachment allows bulk firmness testing of thin, brittle, wavy or irregular noodles which can otherwise not be tested in single/multiple strand noodle methods.

Registered Community Design
Asian Noodle Rig

Asian Noodle Rig

For firmness assessment of Asian Noodles according to the Wheat Marketing Center method.

Pasta blade

AACC Standard Pasta Blade

This blade type conforms to the AACC 66-52.01 Standard Method for cooked spaghetti firmness determination.

Noodles video

Video: Noodle Quality Testing

Watch our video showing how to measure the textural qualities of dry and cooked noodles with a range of tests using the TA.XTplusC Texture Analyser and the Volscan Profiler.

Article about Noodle texture and quality testing – a range of texture analysis methods for a wide variety of noodle types
Article about Measuring the textural properties of pasta
Request an article about Noodle Quality Testing
Request an article about Texture Analysis Testing of Pasta Products
View our video on Noodle Quality Testing
See patents and other references to Pasta and Rice Product Texture Analysis
Read our Blog posts about Pasta and Rice Product Texture Analysis

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