Software Updates

Make sure you’re using the latest software for full features and support.

These updates are free to existing owners of the same software.

Exponent Connect
Exponent Connect and XT Connect firmware

For the XT Connect range of instruments only.
This will install either the full or Lite version, based on the software licence number you enter.


For the TA.XTplus and TA.HDplus only
NB: This will NOT update Exponent Lite or Exponent Lite Express

Exponent Lite

For the TA.XTplus and TA.HDplus only

Exponent Lite Express

For the TA.XTExpress Enhanced only

Volscan logo
Volscan Profiler

For Volscan Profiler only

Volscan Ceramscan software updates

For Ceramscan only

USB Drivers

For Exponent Connect, Exponent, Volscan Profiler and Ceramscan. Windows 11 compatible.

Expression (PC and PDA)

For the TA.XTExpress and TA.XTExpress Enhanced only

Video Capture System plugin

For the Video Capture System and will install the latest version of the drivers for Exponent Connect and Exponent.

Earlier Software Packages

Texture Expert Exceed

For the TA.XT2i and TA.HDi
Update your version to Version 2.64

Texture Expert, Materials Master,
XTRA Dimension and XTRA Dimension 2

Please use our Technical Support form if you require these older software updates.

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