Ceramscan version history
2,2,3,0 (14th November 2024)
• Fixed an issue where the laser calibration does not recognise a comma as a decimal separator when that setting is used by the locale. (#135)
• Improved URL query string formats passed from the software to browsers. (#131)
• Added the ability to reset the menu and redock it by holding down the Shift key when opening the software.(#129)
2,2,2,0 (4th June 2024)
• Fixed an issue with decimal spearators on non English operating system languages.(#120)
2,2,1,0 (28th May 2024)
• Updated language files.
2,2,0,0 (23rd May 2024)
• Added lower rotation speeds for unstable products. (VSP000803)
• Added calibrate weight to the new scan dialog. (VSP000801)
• Improved the set Volscan clock command. (VSP000800)
• Fixed a bug with scan windows not remembering which data panels are selected to be on or off. (VSP000799)
• Fixed an issue with the product support change function. (VSP000797)
• Fixed a delay issue with Measure Value Product Radius command causing the value sometimes being averaged with a previous measurement. (VSP000796)
• Fixed an issue with End Scan Height still showing in the spread sheet when switched off in Manage Visible Parameters. (VSP000795)
• Added a method to allow the user to launch a tech support request from the software. (VSP000794)
• Fixed a problem with the laser calibration. (VSP000793)
• Fixed a problem with the Macro Write to File Command dialog not working properly with some filenames. (VSP000792)
• Fixed a number of issues with the move laser carriage macro command. (VSP000791)
• Change the default file location to be searched when the update firmware command is used to be instrument dependant. (VSP000790)
• Fixed an issue in the Set Scan Data Value macro command with User Date validation. (VSP000788)
• Added a column title option to the store variable macro command. (VSP000784)
• Fixed a bug with the store variable macro command to show or hide the precision selection control depending on the variable type. (VSP000783)
• Make a new scan window to improve layout and allow for future expansion of the software. (VSP000782)
• Fixed an issue with the 2D scan window not drawing the slice completely on the window during a scan. (VSP000777)
• Fixed a bug where the If and Else if macro command fail to operate correctly if there are no commands inside the condition. (VSP000776)
• Added a new data value total scan duration to the scan data which can be shown or hidden and also a column in the results. (VSP000775)
• Fixed a bug where nested loops fail validation by incorrectly detecting a if / end if straddling the loop boundary. (VSP000774)
• Added a macro command to set the minimum product detection radius. (VSP000773)
• Added a macro command to allow the laser calibration before a scan to be modified. (VSP000772)
• Improved communications between the instrument and the PC. (VSP000771)
• Added a failure mode to the software so if during a scan the data stops arriving at the software for a long time then the test is aborted with an error. (VSP000770)
• Add a clear logs options to the view coms logs dialog to allow log file cleanup. (VSP000768)
• Added a reset to defaults button to the Spike filtering on the post scan tab of the product settings dialog to allow the user to reset to defaults. (VSP000767)
• Fixed an issue with the set variable macro command not resolving system variables correctly. (VSP000765)
• Added additional spins speeds to the Volscan software for the connect range of instruments. (VSP000763)
• Added an ability to convert a string containing a valid number into a number variable in the macro. (VSP000762)
• When selecting a range of points on the data view they are selected as a perimeter value on the 2d view. (VSP000761)
• Add the ability to set read only variables. (VSP000757)
• Added the ability to start and stop scans at user definable heights. (VSP000755)
• Fixed an issue with registering entries in the explorer property sheets. (VSP000664)
• Updated software helpfile.
• Added an emergency stop button to improve the ability to interrupt certain instrument operations. (#63)
• Fixed an issue with corrupt ocx control. (#64)
• Added a sample files window. (#65)
• Fixed an issue with product spinning after a macro issue. (#67)
• Improved visualisation of selected datapoints on the 2D view when selected from the Dataview. (#68)
• Fixed a potential issue when opening the software without a instrument connected. (#69)
• Fixed an issue with registration without an instrument connected. (#70)
• Fixed an issue with entering the cd key with the Ceramscan version of the software. (#72)
• Improved the detection of errors when the number of datapoints recorded doesn’t match the expected number. (#73)
• Fixed an issue with the UseFixedHeight variable. (#74)
• Added some new error messages when the product detection radius is too high. (#80)
• Fixed an issue with recording hyperlink measurements on the 2D view. (#81)
• Changed references from Volscan to Scanner to better explain the instruments expanded operation. (82)
• Fixed some issues with external weighers. (#88,#89, #91)
• Changed the title of the view message logs window to match its menu item name view coms logs. (#92)
• Added cancel buttons to external weigher dialog boxes. (#91)
• Changed the title of the View Message Log window to View Coms Log to match its menu item. (#92)
• Fixed an issue with copying and pasting variables which caused the read only flag to be set. (#93)
• Fixed an issue where the scan could be aborted due to a invalid weight but not show an error message. (#94)
• Moved the new report template into the samples folder and added the sample folder into the document search. (#100)
• New toolbars, icons and bitmaps added. (#101)
• Removed application look options as part of a visual user interface overhaul. (#102)
• Fixed an issue with selected some options from a list for the set scan data macro command. (#103)
• Added a new menu item to the help menu to allow the user to open the manual as a pdf. (#104)
• When the application starts the getting started help will be shown. There is an option to turn it off in the global options dialog. (#105)
• Get Technical Help now has an option/image on the website for the classic Volscan. (#106)
• Fixed an issue in the macro command measure value when getting an external weight when no external weigher was connected. (#107)
• Improved the laser calibration on classic Volscans so the user can enter the calibration boss diameters when not using the RHCVT method. (#108)
• Fixed a bug with the move laser carriage macro command showing a validation error when entering relative distances. (#111)
• Fixed an issue with the Mail To toolbar command not working correctly on Windows 11. (#115)
• Fixed an issue with the display of the scan settings user date when in Japanese language. (#116))
2,1,0,0 (9th June 2022)
• Getting started guide helpfile now defaults to the Connect version rather than the Classic version if no instrument is connected. (VSP000789)
• New volume validation macro for volume validation using a rod.
• New egg measurement macro for determining egg values such as egg length, width, shell volume, length at max width, percentage length at max width and shape index.
• Clicking the register button on the software registration dialog ends up with 2 query strings being sent to the browser. (VSP000781)
• First use of scanner utility dialogs menu doesn't correctly disable menu items when instrument is not online. (VSP000778)
• Improved the error reporting from the laser during the scanning process. (VSP000753)
2,0,6,0 (7th October 2021)
• Added options to move to either the top or bottom stops as options to the move laser carriage macro command. (VSP000758)
• Fixed a bug with saving separated secions taking a long time to complete and producing a poor quality new scan. (VSP000754)
• Added support for some system variables in the macro manager. (VSP000752)
• Fixed some bugs with the macro lists. (VSP000751)
• Fixed an issue with some macro windows not spacing the columns out correctly. (VSP000750)
• Fixed an issue with loading some old macro commands. (VSP000749)
• Fixed a bug where loadcell weight gain validation using Connect rather than Classic ranges on Classic instruments. (VSP000748)
• Fixed a bug with macro array variables in the Measure Value macro command. (VSP000747)
• Added some additional system variable to the macro i.e. Install Folder Path. (VSP000745)
• Added a refresh report fields macro command. (VSP000744)
• Added top slice index as an option to the macro command Get Scan Data Value. (VSP000743)
• Added a play sound macro command. (VSP000740)
• Added a print report macro command. (VSP000737)
• Altered some terms used in the software to be more consistant. (VSP000736)
• Added comparison options of "contains" and "does not contain" for the if, else if and until macro commands when being used with string variables. (VSP000734)
• Added the ability to clear the Most Recently Used file list. (VSP000733)
• Added a prompt to keep or delete the split product scan files the first time they are closed. (VSP000732)
• Added a change product colour option to the right click menu on the 3D view. (VSP000731)
• Added a macro command to export the slice data. (VSP000730)
• Added a symmetry calculation to the software and the macro. (VSP000716)
• Added the ability to embed non string variables into string variables. (VSP000704)
• Added report variables that can be programmed using the macro command Set Report Variable. (VSP000701)
2,0,5,0 (24th June 2021)
Fixed an issue where array variables no longer worked in the Measure Value macro command. (VSP000747)
2,0,4,0 (23rd March 2021)
• Added the additional parameters to the Get Scan Data macro command. (VSP000728)
• Added the ability to get the slice z position using the Measure Slice Details macro command. (VSP000727)
• Added a right click menu item on the product info tab that allows visible items to be managed. (VSP000726)
• Added a right click menu item on the product info tab that allows that item to be hidden. (VSP000725)
• Added a right click menu item on the product info tab that links to a page in a helpfile with details about the item under the cursor. (VSP000724)
• Added tooltip test to the product info panel describing the data in more detail. (VSP000723)
• Fixed a bug that cased the macro command measure slice details sometimes failed to extract any data from the slice for some measurements. (VSP000722)
• Add a product split command. Also added a macro command to do the same thing. (VSP000721)
• Added a Surface Texture Ratio calculation and a macro command to do the same thing. (VSP000718)
• Added a new feature called Crop to remove part of the top and / or bottom of the product. Also added a macro command to do the same thing. (VSP000717)
• Added the ability to run a macro on many scans via a batch method. (VSP000705)
• Added a Get Firmware Details macro command. (VSP000703) and (VSP000700)
2,0,3,0 (27th October 2020)
• Added the ability to do a laser calibration on the Connect Volscan range of instruments before every test. (VSP000720)
• Added the ability to double click a column divider in the results file to autosize the column to the largest entry. (VSP000719)
• Added the ability to do a 2 point laser calibration using a special product support. (VSP000715) - *** Currently Experimental ***
• Added a new macro command to calibrate the laser. (VSP000712 and VSP000714)
• Improved the macro command send to lims to support an sortable list of items to store in the order they appear in the list and allow the command to be used when no scan is open. (VSP000708 and VSP000711)
• Added the ability to measure average radius value of a slice with the macro command measure slice details. (VSP000710)
• Fixed a potential issue with how one of the calculation threads were interacting with a data structure. (VSP000707)
• Improved the Move laser carriage macro command to better support absolute movement below 0mm. (VSP000706)
• Fixed a bug where trying to add a standard measurement field to the report does not show all the expected fields in the available list of options. (VSP000702)
• Fixed a crash in save separated sections. (VSP000699)
• Added logging to the external balance communications. (VSP000698)
• Added the ability to export the scanner information settings to a file. (VSP000697)
• Added a new macro command (Write to file) which will write the contents of a variable to a file. (VSP000696)
• Improved coms stability including ability to re-sync coms for classic Volscan instruments. (VSP000695)
• Attempting to open 2 copies of the application will swap to the already open version unless a command line parameter "mi" is specified. (VSP000693)
• When a breakpoint is hit in the macro whilst being run from the drop down list on the toolbar the editor will open the macro with line selected and variable contents displayed to assist with debugging. (VSP000691)
• Fixed a bug where toggling the state of a breakpoint in the macro did not set the document as modified. (VSP000690)
• Save paths will now default to the path specified in the Global options and then be updated with the last saved path. Exception is results which have a defined save location. (VSP000689)
• Fixed a bug that under some conditions would not set the macro running flag state. (VSP000688)
• Added the ability on Volscan Connect instruments to have both weight and laser distance showing at the same time. (VSP000687)
• Removed I.R. Temperature measuring functionality as no longer used. (VSP000686)
• Added a column for scan duration to the results sheet when adding data to the results. (VSP000685)
• Fixed a bug in the macro command Send to Lims where the autonumber option doesn't number the first file it writes. (VSP000684)
• Fixed a bug where switching from Repeat to Standard scan mode could sometimes lose scan settings. (VS000683)
• Fixed a bug where often resizing a column on a list control would not automatically resize the last column to fit the window. (VSP000682)
• Fixed a bug where laser error values are not always flagged as errors in the data view. (VSP000681)
• Improve updating some parameter files by doing so less frequently. (VSP000680)
• Improve error handling of macro commands that use variables. (VSP000679)
• Improved Complexity Analysis for both classic and Connect Volscan instruments. (VSP000678)
• Fixed a bug that caused the macro view menu options for visible views not to update correctly when closing an undocked macro window pane. (VPS000677)
• Added tooltip support for the custom parameter dialog. (VSP000676)
• Improved the external weigher support to allow any external weigher that can support text commands for weighing and tareing. (VSP000675)
• Increased the MRU (Recently used file list) from 9 entries to 15 entries. (VSP000674)
• Added the ability to reset the 3D view from the pop up menu that appears when you right click on the 3D view. (VSP000673)
• Added hair tress measurement analysis functionality. (VSP000672) - *** Currently Experimental ***
• Added a new macro command to turn the laser on and off. (VSP000671)
• Added an ability to adjust the top and bottom of the product for irregularities. (VSP000670)
• Added a new macro command (Set Custom Calculation). (VSP000669)
• Added a new macro command (Set Custom Result). (VSP000668)
• Improved the product information tab on the scan window frame to group items with customisable colours. (VSP000667)
• Fixed a bug with the Start Rotation macro command not turning the laser beam on or off correctly. (VSP000665)
• Added a new macro command (Close Active Report). (VSP000663)
• Added a new macro command (Load Report). (VSP000663)
• Added a new macro command (Save Report). (VSP000663)
• Improved the Set Variable macro command to allow editing of the variable name. (VSP000662)
• Improved toolbar switching on and off with views. (VSP000654 and VSP000661)
• Added additional parameters to stored files and show them on the product information panel. (VSP000658)
• Fixed a bug when setting the Volscan clock from the software could sometimes be wrong when setting the time from the PC and not working when setting the time to a user specified time. (VSP000656)
• Improved the message returned by the Is Connect Volscan macro command when the Volscan was not online. (VSP000637)
• Added a precision setting to the store variable macro command. (VSP000631)
• Added a new macro command to allow the remove reflections parameters to be set. (VSP000622)
• Fixed a bug with the hyperlinks for Aspect Ratio, Zpos, Area and Volume on the bottom of the 2D window causing incorrect length drawings on the 2D view. (VSP000616)
• Fixed a bug where the Macro command Send To Lims would fail if a folder in the path specified didn't exist. (VSP000607)
• Improved Macro Manager and the macro drop list for files that have broken links. (VSP000606)
• Fixed a bug where repeat scan mode causes problems with the macro command Scan Product. (VSP000602)
• Added a fixed global set of macros to be read in from the application folder and added to the user added macros in the drop box. (VSP000595)
• Add a live readings panel that will show the live reading from the Volscan. (VSP000547 and VSP000709)
• Improved the macro to allow further customisation of the macro colours and fonts. (VSP000583, VSP000559 and VSP000514)
• Fixed some issues with exporting with filter laser errors turned on. (VSP000413)
• Improved tab order on Global options dialog.
• Updated some topics in the helpfile.
2,0,2,0 (13th May 2020)
• Fixed an error with some error codes from the laser being interpreted as data.
2,0,1,0 (10th December 2019)
Note: This version will work with the old Volscan range AND the new Connect Volscan range.
• Added support for the Connect Range of Volscan Instruments. (VSP000653)
• Fixed a incorrect detected of an Else macro command between an If and Else If macro commands during syntax checking (VSP000621)
• Fixed an issue when repeat scanning to a network drive and network drive disconnecting causing local copy to be overwritten. (VSP000624)
• Fixed an issue with scrolling the product information when a refresh occurred. (VSP000626)
• Fixed some incorrect error text in the data view. (VSP000627)
• Improved Detection of the RHCVT data module. (VSP000629)
• Fixed an issue where adding a custom result to the spreadsheet does not honour the number of decimal places specified. (VSP000632)
• Fixed an issue where adding a custom parameter to the spreadsheet does not honour the number of decimal places specified. (VSP000633)
• Fixed an issue where 2 scans can be started at the same time. (VSP000601)
• Improved macro file loading. (VSP000634)
• Added an extra parameter (Number of scan slices) to the Get Scan Data macro command. (VSP000635)
• Fixed an issue with Demo mode when the Volscan was not connected. (VSP000643)
• Fixed an occasional crash on exit of the software caused by the RHCVT data module checking thread. (VSP000645)
• Fixed a problem with the Find Product Height macro command causing issues with commands that followed it in the macro list. (VSP000648)
• Improved the 2D scan drawing performance. (VSP000649)
• Added a macro command to report if a new Connect Volscan is connected. (VSP000637)
• Added bit wise operations to the Set Variable macro command. (VSP000638)
• Fixed a bug with the Set Variable macro command getting set with a number larger than allowed by the maximum integer value (Overflow). (VSP000640)
• Added Aspect Ratio, Zpos, Area, Volume as hyperlinks on the bottom of the 2D window so they can be added as custom measurements. (VSP000616)
• Improved a number of tooltips. (VSP000623)
• Added a warning to the Add Scan Data to Results function. (VSP000628)
• Added a macro command Measure Slice Details which can given a slice return information about the slice. (VSP000630 and VSP000631)
• Added a macro command Get Volscan Status which returns information about the volscan status such as Online / Offline etc. (VSP000639)
• Improved the Modify Active Scan command with an option to save the changes. (VSP000642)
• Added an option to automatically change the toolbars on view change. (VSP000654)
• Improved the scan duration timer for Connect Volscans. (VSP000655)
• More information is now saved in the scan files to aid diagnostic investigations. (VSP000658)
• Prevented the repeat scanning window to steal the focus each time the scan ended. (VSP000659)
• Improved information stored in Explorer property sheets. (VSP000664)
• Changed the product information tab to be a list control for improved performance and significantly lower Windows resource usage. (VSP000666)
Note: Version 1,x,x,x will only work with the old Volscan range.
1,2,2,0 (12th July 2017)
• Improved the calculations threads performance.
• Changed the Verification Ball pre-defined settings to the include a non fixed auto save path and instead the new %_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH_% variable.
• Fixed a bug where the Set Scan Data Value command when selecting the User Date option was not working with some locale settings. (VSP000620)
• Fixed a bug where the Store Variable command was not working correctly for commas as a decimal seperator. (VSP 000619)
• Fixed a bug where adding scan data to results updates the trim percentage with the value -1. (VSP 000618)
• Fixed a problem when adding scan data to results from a number of files didn't handle corrupt files very well. (VSP 000617)
• Fixed a problem where some values that were calculated after the file was loaded were not updated in the results file if the scan file did not have the correct file permissions. (VSP 000615)(VSP 000605)
• Fixed a problem where the product information tabs max width slice max height and max width values swapped around. (VSP 000614)
• Added max height and max width options to the get scan data macro command. (VSP 000613)
• Improved the Send To Excel option. There is an new option in the global options to remove the calculations rows when sending the data to Excel, (VSP 000612)
• Added %_DEFAULT_SAVE_PATH_% variable which defaults to the users data folder but can be changed in the global options. (VSP 000611)
• Fixed some problems with sharing violations when running new scan. (VSP 000610)
• Improved the Send To Excel option. The user date information is now forced to be text format to standardise the format using a '. (VSP 000609)
• Fixed a problem where double clicking on a macro or results in explorer opened a new volscan application rather than inserting the macro into the existing volscan (VSP 000608)
1,2,1,0 (7th March 2017)
• Fixed a crash when exiting the software after undocking a macro window and redocking it to another location. (VSP 000603)
• Fixed some issues with syntax colouring when not using the defaults on first use of a new installation of the software. (VSP 000604)
1,2,0,0 (1st March 2017)
• MAJOR ADDITION - Add macro scripting functionality including program flow control and variables.
• MAJOR ADDITION - Added the ability to weigh the sample using an external weigher allowing high precision weighing. (VSP 000355) (VSP 000361)
• Help files updated.
• USB Drivers updated.
• Menus reordered to improve readability on low resolution screens or with a high level font size.
• Added the ability to turn the display of various data values on and off via the global options dialog.
• Fixed a bug with coms log dates with different date formats. (VSP 000344)
• Fixed a bug where SD and COV calculations in results spreadsheet are not always displayed to the correct precision. (VSP 000357)
• Fixed a by where the Report Editor Report Object dialog window numbers don't tie up. (VSP 000291)
• Improved some messages on the Reports Bullets and Numbering dialog. (VSP 000503)
• Added macro running via command line. (VSP 000512)
• Improved the handling of invalid characters used in the product settings fields. (VSP 000507)
• Fixed a bug where the Reports Format Character dialogs apply button was always enabled. (VSP 000276)
• Fixed some bugs with the Reports Bullets and Numbering. (VSP 000285) (VSP 000282) (VSP 000502)
• Fixed some issues with the coms log viewer. (VSP 000345)
• Improved handling and processing of coms traffic on slower computers. (VSP 000515)
• Fixed a bug with product boundaries not finding the top slice. (VSP 000516)
• Improved handling of decimal separators in different locales. (VSP 000517) (VSP 000359) (VSP 000362) (VSP 000590)
• Fixed a bug where the product settings custom parameters were not saving the precision settings on modification. (VSP 000504)
• Repeat scanning mode now shows the number of scans complete when unlimited scans set. (VSP 000505)
• Added the ability to close the scan window using the Escape key. (VSP 000528)
• Added Max Circumference as a parameter to the product information and the results. (VSP 000351)
• Improved the font on the Product information panel to better show the text.
• Fixed a bug where the average value was displayed in the results when no actual value was present. (VSP 000364)
• Added Rotation speed to the results field picker. (VSP 000367)
• Fixed some validation issues with selecting manual weigh in the product settings dialog. (VSP 000544)
• Improved display of some values in added columns in windows explorer. (VSP 000372)
• Fixed a issue with the RHCVT Data module coms which could result in the error "Invalid Checksum". (VSP 000346)
• Improved the layout of the scan window both before and during a scan. (VSP 000588)
• Added the ability to overwrite an existing results file when using Add Scan Data to Results. (VSP 000337)
• Fixed a problem with some cursors becoming visually corrupted on some systems. (VSP 000343)
• Fixed some issues where the platform would spin with the door open. (VSP 000358)
• Fixed some spelling errors. (VSP 000379)
• Deleting an entire hi-lighted results file now asks for confirmation. (VSP 000349)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Format Character. (VSP 000277)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Format Paragraph. (VSP 000278) (VSP 000280)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Bullets and Numbering. (VSP 000281) (VSP 000283)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Insert Object. (VSP 000292)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Picture Properties. (VSP 000295) (VSP 000296) (VSP 000298) (VSP 000299)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Frame Properties. (VSP 000302) (VSP 000303)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Date and Time. (VSP 000305)
• Fixed some issues with the Report Table Properties. (VSP 000307)
• Added the ability to skip further warning messages if the scan does not detect a product in repeat scanning mode. (VSP 000350)
• Added an option on the global options to skip the checking for a product before a scan begins. (VSP 000354)
• Improved the File Open Results dialog to better improve display of long titles. (VSP 000405)
• Improved the File Open dialog to include filters for all Volscan file types. (VSP 000422)
• Improved software file storage locations and UAC awareness. (VSP 000419) (VSP 000431)
• Prevented the opening of a results file making the file dirty requiring a save request when closing the file. (VSP 000368)
• Added a flatten below option on the post scan tab of the product settings dialog which will make any radius value below the specified product height in mm equal to 0.
• Added a product detection radius option to the Global Options dialog then allows the product detection radius value to be changed for products not supported by a top pin.
1,1,0,0 (23rd October 2015)
• Fixed a bug which could cause Volscan to crash when you try to save and close a scan file before the minimum inclusive square calculation completes. (VSP 000342)
• Fixed a bug where Maximum Inclusive Square values were not recalculating if the Rotation of a completed scan is changed. (VSP 000341)
• Improved the loading of high resolution scans when recalculating the Maximum Inclusive Square values (VSP 000340)
• Fixed a bug which prevented the add scan data to results from working if only 1 file was selected. (VSP 000339)
• Added a new feature Maximum Inclusive Square which calculates the largest square/rectangle shape that can be made inside the product boundaries. Includes Trim Percentage which shows how much waste product there is outside the Maximum Inclusive Square. (VSP 000338)
• Add scan data to results now displays a warning that the data will be added if a results file with the same name already exists. (VSP 000337)
• Improved the use of the Modify and Remove buttons for Custom Parameters and Custom Calculations which were often enabled incorrectly. (VSP 000335, VSP 000334, VSP 000333 and VSP 000332)
• Fixed an issue with the display of the 0,75mm step size on the New Scan window. (VSP 000331)
• Fixed a bug in the Minimum Enclosing Circle calculation and storage. (VSP 000330 and VSP 000326)
• Fixed a bug where the Custom calculations were showing as “Not Resolved” when added to the results file from the Add data to results command. (VSP 000329)
• Standardised the naming convention for Minimum Enclosing Circle throughout the software. (VSP 000327)
• Expanded and improved the help files. (VSP 000324, VSP 000322, VSP 000321, VSP 000320, VSP 000319, VSP 000318 and VSP 000317)
• Fixed some issues with Repeat Scanning mode (VSP 000323)
• Improved some minor rounding in gain values between PC and Volscan (VSP 000316)
• Improved validation on product settings dialog (VSP 000315, VSP 000314, VSP 000273 and VSP 000274)
• Fixed a divide by zero issue on the Aspect Ratio value on the 2D View (VSP 000313)
• Improved usage and warnings relating to the use of the auto save path. (VSP 000312)
• Fixed possible dubious file save locations on Basic scan window and the product settings window. (VSP 000311)
• Added the ability to copy the coms logs to the clipboard. (VSP 000310)
• Fixed a bug which allowed duplicate entries in the scan database. (VSP 000309)
• Improved the 3d View docking and undocking and state when software was closed. (VSP 000294)
• Fixed some issues with the viewing mode on the report. (VSP 000275)
• Improved Flour Weight and Weight range validation and increased the max weight allowed from 3Kg to 10Kg expanding the performance of the Volscan. (VSP 000274)
• Improved spike filter validation when switching tabs on the Product settings dialog. (VSP 000273)
• Added the ability to see on the various Volscan status windows if the Laser Error signal is active. It displays “LE”. Requires firmware 112 or above. (VSP 000272)
• Fixed a bug where the custom information values are not updated if the rotation of the product is altered. (VSP 000271)
• Fixed a bug where the results file values are not updated if the rotation of the product is altered. (VSP 000270)
• Improved Scan File loading times by up to 15% (VSP 000269 and VSP 000293)
• Fixed a bug where editing the product settings on a completed scan modified the weight incorrectly. (VSP 000267)
• Improved some error messages (VSP 000266)
• Fixed an issue with some of the product information displayed in Windows Explorer. (VSP 000264)
• Fixed an issue with sync active slices when the scans have differing slice numbers. (VSP 000263)
• Improved how record button works on the 2D scan window. (VSP 000260 and VSP 000238)
• Fixed a problem where clicking the Circumference hot spot un-checks the Snap To Data checkbox. (VSP 000259)
• Fixed a problem with being Unable to save completed scan if VolScan goes offline after a scan completes but before the software has saved the data to a file. (VSP 000258)
• Fixed a problem where the Height and Width of middle slice are reversed in Results spreadsheet. (VSP 000257)
• Fixed a problem with the Complexity Analyser step size not retained in Standard scan mode. (VSP 000256)
• Fixed some issues with running the Product Complexity Analyser with no product in place. (VSP 000255)
• Prevented product complexity analysis running with the safety door open. (VSP 000254)
• Improved formatting on the Product Complexity Analysis window. (VSP 000253)
• Improved the Weight and Flour Weight validation in the Product Settings dialog. (VSP 000250 and VSP 000251)
• Fixed some issues with System Variables on the product settings dialog. (VSP 000249)
• Fixed some issues with the hi-lighting in the pre-defined settings list of the product settings dialog. (VSP 000248, VSP000247 and VSP 000246)
• Fixed some issues with the product settings dialog being able to open multiple copies of itself. (VSP 000245)
• Fixed some issues with the auto save path setup. (VSP 000244)
• Fixed some issues with System Variables on the Basic scan mode window. (VSP 000243 and VSP 000242)
• Fixed a problem where in the results file view the Delete option is always enabled in the Edit menu, irrespective of whether any data has been selected or not. (VSP 000241)
• Fixed a problem where the number of slices does not update correctly in the Multiple Product Selection dialog. (VSP 000240)
• Fixed a problem where clicking on the height and width hotspots in the scan data view also enables the Record Measurement button. (VSP 000239)
• Improved the display of statistical data based on rows in selected columns in the slice statistics window. (VSP 000237)000237)
• Fixed a problem where Repeat scan mode doesn’t work as expected if you switch to it from Basic scan mode. (VSP 000236)
• Fixed some issues with the cancel button not working in repeat scanning mode. (VSP 000235)
• Fixed some issues with the Speed/Quality slider on the Basic scan window. (VSP 000234, VSP 000232 and VSP 000227)
• Fixed an issue where the auto save path was not updating the text on the scan window correctly. (VSP 000233)
• Changed the Held Slice drop down so it no longer opens to its maximum length when empty. (VSP 000231)
• Fixed a problem where redundant commands in the Customisation dialog can make VolScan software crash. (VSP 000230)
• Fixed an issue to prevent the user trying to run a product complexity analysis during a normal scan. (VSP 000228)
• Fixed a problem where Find Product Boundaries adds a bogus slice. (VSP 000225)
• Fixed a problem where Find Product Boundaries does not clear existing hold points when run. (VSP 000224)
• Fixed an issue where toggling the snap to data option from the menu didn’t update the checkbox on the 2D view. (VSP 000223)
• Fixed an issue where toggling the show all slices option from the menu didn’t update the checkbox on the 2D view. (VSP 000222)
• Fixed a problem where Sync Active Slices has problems when the active scans have unequal numbers of slices. (VSP 000221)
• Fixed an issue where the hold checkbox was not reset when changing the active slice by typing into the active slice textbox. (VSP 000220)
• Added a menu item “Save Layout State” to the File menu to save the current screen (window) layout. (VSP 000219)
• Fixed a bug where Active Slice and Slices fields not set correctly on Select Product Base dialog after new scan, (VSP 000218)
• Added the ability via the servicing dialog to toggle the 3D view into a high contrast mode both in the software and in previews in Windows Explorer. (VSP 000217)
• Added the ability to test the zero height position a number of times for diagnostic purposes. (VSP 000216)
• Added the ability to test the product height and top stop a number of times for diagnostic purposes. (VSP 000215)
• Added an ability to log data from any of the data channels for diagnostic purposes. (VSP 000214)
• Add a sum row to the formula rows in the results window. (VSP 000213)
• Added an interface to the RHCVT Data module to allow the RHCVT settings to be programmed from the Volscan software and retrieved when doing a laser calibration. (VSP 000212)
• Fixed a problem where adding user measurements does not force a refresh of the existing product data in the results spreadsheet. (VSP 000211)
• Fixed a bug in that the drop menu item for Length on the Custom Calculation window was returning IR Temperature. (VSP 000210)
• Added surface area of the product to the Product information panel. (VSP 000209)
• Added the ability to see extra columns in Windows Explorer for Volscan files such as Step size etc. (VSP 000208)
• Fixed a bug that clicking on a quick measurement hyperlink on the 2D view for a scan with no valid data could result in a crash. (VSP 000207)
• Fixed a bug in that some floating point number values were not correctly dealing with thousand and decimal separators for some European locales. (VSP 000206)
• Added a crash dump file creation to help with debugging crashes at user sites. (VSP 000204)
• Added density to the spreadsheet and the product info panel. (VSP 000203)
• Added the Volscan serial number to a column of the spreadsheet. (VSP 000202)
• Fixed a problem when you have no records in the test log the scan database window is drawn incorrectly. (VSP 000201)
• Fixed a problem with the test log not being attached to the instance of the software which has been used for preview handling. (VSP 000200)
• Fixed a bug where the results files would allow you to sort by multiple columns under certain circumstances. (VSP 000199)
• Added a new option to select all and copy for the firmware information in the scanner utilities window. (VSP 000198)
• Fixed a bug where pressing no to save a partially run scan crashes the software. (VSP 000197)
• Added a progress bar to the adding of results to spreadsheet command. (VSP 000196)
• Ensured we can restore a laser calibration from a file even when the Volscan serial number has been reset to 0. (VSP 000195)
• Fixed a problem where moving between basic and standard scan mode on the scan window with font sizes other than normal 100% the window and controls do no resize correctly. (VSP 000194)
• Automatically refreshes the servicing dialog controls after any procedure so that the latest information is read from the memory immediately after the procedure. (VSP 000193)
• Added the ability to copy the firmware information from a .vpd file into the Volscan. (VSP 000192)
• Fixed a problem where the Scan Database showed a value of 1 for Volume-Yield and Specific Volume even if they haven’t been calculated. (VSP 000191)
• Fixed some issues with files created on differing time zones in the scan database. (VSP 000190)
• Added a firmware command to allow the rotation motor to be activated for a certain time period. Requires firmware 105 or above. (VSP 000189)
• Prevented user cutting the sample id or scan time column as they are used for row identification. (VSP 000188)
• Fixed a problem where the Volscan clock time was not being set correctly when daylight saving time was active. (VSP 000187)
• Fixed a problem where the product information panel position was no longer remembered. (VSP 000186)
• Fixed a problem in the test log where clear selected records with everything selected didn’t seem to work. (VPS 000185)
• Fixed a bug where cutting data from the results spreadsheets can make them unusable. (VSP 000184)
• Fixed a problem toggling build and setup mode option in the servicing dialog if no volscan is connected. (VSP 000183)
• Fixed a bug where the software would not remember if the 3D, Product info, Custom info and User measurements were set to be visible or not. (VSP 000182)
• Improved the remove reflections process. (VSP 000181)
• Fixed a bug with the volscan being offline when attempting a zero height calibration. (VSP 000180)
• Fixed a bug with the translation of the scanning dialog. (VSP 000179)
• Fixed a problem with getting the system time for an entry into the scan database. (VSP 000178)
• Fixed a bug when trying to start the Max Enclosing Circle thread when running in batch mode. (VSP 000177)
• Switched to a more safe method of opening files from within the software for exporting of data. (VSP 000176)
• Improved checking for a valid height setup before starting a scan. (VSP 000175)
• Add the ability to set the max travel distance from the servicing dialog. (VSP 000174)
• Fixed a bug with the serial number detection of volscan machine type. (VSP 000173)3)
• Improved the order of checks during a zero height calibration to avoid potential errors. (VSP 000172)
• Allowed additional parameters to be programmed into the Volscan from the servicing dialog box and stored if needed for restoration (Max Travel, Max Speed, Loadcell calibrated by, Laser Calibrated by). (VSP 000171)
• Added the ability to microstep the laser carriage on the servicing dialog box. (VSP 000170)
• Added a reset Eprom button to the servicing dialog box that erases the Eprom settings. (VSP 000169)
• Fixed a bug that if the bottom offset 2 value used in the zero height calibration is set to zero then the calibrate zero height when run from the scan window won’t work and scans will have an incorrect height and often scan the product support. (VSP 000168)
• Fixed a bug with the zero height calibration that if the arm is at the highest point and the laser carriage is also at the highest point. The motor will stall during the zero height calibration but think it has been successful. (VSP 000167)
• Fixed a problem with the new scan window is not showing the language translation. (VSP 000166)
• Improved the Remove reflections option on scans with lots of errors. (VSP 000165)
• Added 3 new scan step values (30mm, 40mm and 50mm) to help speed up some tests. (VSP 000147)
• Added 3 new high resolution scanning step values (0.6mm, 0.75mm, 1.0mm) to allow greater flexibility. (VSP 000147)
• Added a multi-select option when you want to delete pre-defined settings on the product settings dialog. (VSP 000146)
• Added system variables to the Batch field on the product settings window. (VSP 000142)
• Added the verification ball test settings to the pre-defined test settings drop list of the new scan window. (VSP 000140)
• Fixed a problem so that User measurements now recalculate after you turn filter laser errors on and off. (VSP 000116)
• Added a logging facility for Messages / commands / status changes which are stored in the vpd file and can be viewed using VIEW - View Message Logs menu item. (VSP 000115)
• Filter laser errors now work on per scan basis rather than a global flag. (VSP 000114)
• Added the ability to copy a single slice of data, i.e. the 400 points the make up the slice in the data view. (VSP 000113)
• Improved the progress indicators during a laser calibration to better inform how far the software is through the calibration procedure. (VSP 000112)
• Fixed a bug when you copy 2D view with show all slices UNTICKED then you get a empty picture. (VSP 000111)
• When separating sections, if the master is in a protected location the software should prompt for a location to save the sections. (VSP 000107)
• Added a menu command “Utility - Analyse Product Complexity” on the scan window which will scan 4 sides of the product and work out how complex it is and suggest scan step sizes. (VSP 000085)
• Fixed a problem in the 3D view report object in that it did not seem to work with a floating 3D view. (VSP 000080)
• Added a function that if there is no excel on the pc then the software asks if user wants to export to a tab delimited file. (VSP 000073)
• Added the ability to sync slices on multiple windows. New menu item “Sync Active Slices”. When checked should sync all 2D and 3D views. (VSP 000007)
1,0,3,0 (7th March 2014)
• Fixed problem with correct laser calibration rotation speed not being sent so it could run at the last used speed. (VSP 000156)
• Added the maximum MEC (Minimum Enclosing Circle) calculation to the product information. (VSP 000157)
• Laser Error should now be displayed in Data view if the laser could not read the surface. (VSP 000158)
• Canceling a laser calibration now restores the last calibration values. (VSP 000159)
• Improved RHCVT bent pin detection. (VSP 000160)
• Added an option to show additional status messages to the utilities and servicing dialog box main text displays during laser calibration / Verification. (VSP 000161)
1,0,2,0 (10th January 2014)
• Improved laser calibration to detect a bent pin on the RHCVT that would cause an error in the calibration numbers. (VSP 000152)
• Improved the restoration of laser calibration parameters during a failed laser calibration. (VSP 000130)
• Improved the tooltips on the servicing mode dialog box. (VSP 000148)
• Fixed a number of bugs and added a apply button to the special servicing mode dialog box. (VSP 000150)
• Fixed an issue with the automatic laser calibration restore file and the polar lean parameters stored when the file was created from values in the Volscan. (VSP 000153)
1,0,1,0 (6th December 2013)
• Improved status messages for top and bottom stop events. (VSP 000143)
• Scans now include an additional dataset containing the raw data for laser distance for improved support and diagnostics. (VSP 000119)
• Improved error detection during RHCVT laser calibration. (VSP 000141)
• Added a special servicing mode to the Volscan software for use by service engineers. (VSP 000151)
• Improved the wording on some of the Laser Calibration menus to better represent what they did. (VSP 000149)
1,0,0,0 (5th September 2013)
• Added a command on the scanner utilities window to restore the laser calibration values created using an RHCVT to the Volscan. (VSP 000083)
• Added the ability to set the use of the top pin in the product parameters screen so the polar lean can be toggled on and off. The new scan window has a field showing if the top pin is used. (VSP 000084) and (VSP 000078)
• Laser Carriage is now moved to the zero height position after a zero height calibration is completed to allow a visual inspection if required and remove the bottom stop status message.( VSP 000088)
• Fixed a bug where printing more than 1 copy of the report does not work. (VSP 000096)
• Added a Basic scanning mode selected on the new scan window which allows you to enter only essential data before running a scan. (VSP 000097)
• Fixed a bug relating to when a test completes and you want to update the ID with the new filename. (VSP 000098)
• Fixed a bug sometimes the product info pane was open but not set as the top level and then clicking on the product info toolbar icon did unexpected things. (VSP 000099)
• Added the ability to change the rotation speed and to toggle continuos rotation on the scanner utilities window. (VSP 000100)
• Added an option to the Edit menu to filter laser errors which result in spikes in the data. The fix can be toggled on and off. Settings for the filtering can be altered in the Global options. (VSP 000101)
• Added the ability to change the date and time of the volscan on the scanner utilities window. (VSP 000102)
• Improved data handling in the scanner utilities window to reduce errors. (VSP 000103)
• Added the scanner file format to store extra information in the product information including software version used to first create the scan and the software version it was saved in. (VSP 000104)
• Extra information for diagnostics is now stored and viewable. (VSP 000105)
• Added a repeat scanning mode with allows a number of scans to be done back to back and auto saved with a specified delay between each scan. (VSP 000086) and (VSP 000106)
• Allow the test settings weight and flour weight to have a decimal place for low weight products. (VSP 000108)
• Added a high resolution scanning mode. The test settings window now has a check box which when selected allows for step sizes of 0.5, 0.45, 0.40, 0.35, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.15, 0.10, 0.07 and 0.05mm using the slider control. (VSP 000109)
• Added a new menu item on the File menu called "Add scan data to results" which allows multiple scans to be selected and will load them in one by one and add them to a spreadsheet and then unload the scan files from memory. (VSP 000110)
• Improved the advanced laser calibration with filtering to filter out bad numbers caused by marks / scuffs on the RHCVT. (VSP 000121)
• Added more details and progress information during the laser calibration procedure. (VSP 000122)
• Increased the displayed resolution of the volume for scans carried out in the high resolution scanning mode and also for lower volume products in all step sizes. (VSP 000123)
• Increased the quality and quantity of the error messages when things go wrong to assist in diagnosing faults. (VSP 000124)
• Fixed a number of errors relating to the use of a surface IR temperature sensor. (VSP 000125)
• Added an additional hotlinks to the bottom of the 2D window to store values into the user measurement panel. (VSP 000030)
• Fixed a bug when sorting the user measurements in the user measurement panel. (VSP 000126)
• Increased the displayed resolution in a number of columns in the scan database viewer. (VSP 000127)
• Increased the displayed resolution in a number of columns in the results spreadsheet. (VSP 000128)
• Added a button to the About volscan window to open the application data folder in Windows explorer. (VSP 000129)
• During a laser calibration the old settings from the volscan are stored in case the calibration goes wrong. If the calibration goes wrong then when the user attempts to run a test or open the scanner utilities window the software will detect the failed calibration and ask if the user if they want to restore the original calibration values. (VSP 000130)
• Updated report control to latest version. Fixes a number of issues. (VSP 000131)
• Laser errors are now displayed as Laser Error on the data view pane. (VSP 000138)
0,0,8,0 (16th August 2012)
• Invalid characters are now removed from the sample ID when used as the filename. (VSP 000061)
• The results open in Excel feature now asks if you want to export just the selected columns. (VSP 000062)
• The user is now asked if they want to change the sample ID to match the file name when a scan is saved. (VSP 000063)
• Added the option to export the scan as a DXF or STL format file that can be loaded by other 3D software. (VSP 000064)
• When weighing the product manually and no product is detected you are asked if you want to continue and the dialog now has the Yes / No buttons. (VSP 000065)
• Separated sections now copy the firmware information from the source file. (VSP 000066)
• Fixed a problem where a scan would occasional stop recording data part way through. (VSP 000067)
• Fixed some update display issues for the scanner utilities window. (VSP 000068)
• Scanner Utilities window options disabled when the door is open for safety. (VSP 000069)
• Holding down the shift key when exporting data will use full internal precision for engineering use. (VSP 000070)
• Results can now be exported in tab delimited text format. (VSP 000074)
• The Batch information was missing from the scam database. (VSP 000075)
• The number of slices parameter available in the custom calculations was returning a value +2 as it was including 2 hidden closing slices used for the 3D view. (VSP 000076)
• When product information for a scan file was edited it was overwriting the default information which would cause file ID problems. (VSP 000077)
• Added function to calibrate zero height to allow for various platforms. (VSP 000081)
• Advanced laser calibration function added that uses a special tool to calibrate multiple parameters at once. (VSP 000082)
• Added ability to record and restore the factory laser calibration parameters. (VSP 000083)
0,0,7,0 (18th February 2011)
• The 3D view can now be controlled using the cursor and page up / page down keys. (VSP 000056)
• The remove reflections function was rounding of the top of the product if a small spike existed and the remaining points were error values. (VSP 000057)
• The 3D view can now be disabled in the Global options window. (VSP 000058)
• The post test remove reflections function is now disabled if both the threshold and spike duration are set to 0 (zero). (VSP 000059)
• The laser readings are now shown to 2 decimal places in the Utilities Window to aid diagnostics (requires firmware version 60 or later). (VSP 000060)
0,0,6,0 (2nd December 2010)
• Added option to freeze columns in the Scan Database viewer. (VSP 000045)
• The column order in the Scan Database viewer is now remembered when the window is closed. (VSP 000046)
• The old Highlight Missing Files command is now Select Missing Files and the Highlight Missing Files option has changed to a toggle that turns the SavedAs column values red if the file is missing. (VSP 000047)
• The size of the last column in the Scan Database Viewer was not being remembered. (VSP 000048)
• Fixed a problem with the Highlight Missing Files command in the Scan Database Viewer where it was not highlighting the first missing file of a block of missing files. (VSP 000049)
• The order of the columns in the Scan Database Viewer is now remembered when the window is closed and re-opened. (VSP 000050)
• The Spike Filter settings for the post scan operation are now setup in the Product Parameters window. (VSP 000051)
• The spike filter will now attempt to repair error values received from the scanner (requires firmware version 59 or later). (VSP 000052)
• Added Minimum Enclosing Circle function for each slice. This can be displayed on each slice, viewed in the Slice Statistics window and accessed as a standard function in the Custom Results. (VSP 000053)
• Added NumSlices as a standard parameter for the Custom Results formula. (VSP 000054)
• The Volume is now displayed with 2 decimal places if it is less than 1ml and 1 decimal place if it is less than 10ml. (VSP 000055)
0,0,5,0 (11 August 2010)
• Updated Direct X to Mar 2009 release. If your 3D view does not work then install the latest DirectX drivers from our web site.
• Fixed problem with viewing reports. (VSP 000036)
• Added command to save sections as new products so that a scan of multiple products on a skewer can be separated. (VSP 000037)
• Added a Demo Mode for continuous scans, mainly for exhibition use. (VSP 000038)
• The Scan window now remembers it last position. (VSP 000039)
• Calibrating Weight... is now displayed when calibrating the weight. (VSP 000040)
• Added support for a Product Properties tab in Explorer for VPD files. (VSP 000043)
• Added support for Outlook and Explorer Preview of VPD files. (VSP 000044)
0,0,4,0 (17 December 2009)
• The first step is now fixed at 0.1mm to improve capture of sharp edged products. (VSP 000035)
• Fixed a problem with calibration after a test was run at 0.5RPS. (VSP 000034)
• Added Slice Stats window. (VSP 000032)
0,0,3,0 (22 September 2009)
• The Width link on the 2D windows was drawing the height guides instead of the width guides. (VSP 000031)
• Spin Speed was not working when the decimal point was set to a comma. (VSP 000033)
0,0,2,0 (15 July 2009)
• User measurements can now be added as fields to reports. (VSP 000019)
• Fixed problem with User 1 column always being selected in results spreadsheet. (VSP 000020)
• Fixed problem where mouse wheel would move the slider bar but not update the active slice in the 2D view. (VSP000021)
• Foxed problem with control update in 2D view when window sized slowly. (VSP 000022)
• Locked spreadsheet rows from drag and drop as this caused problems with grouping and stats. (VSP 000023)
• Improved error detection in custom calculations and now keeps new entry even if it has errors. (VSP 000024)
• Added several tools for cleaning up spikes, Remove Spikes, Smooth and Flatten selected data. (VSP 000025)
• Added Undo and Redo feature for data changed by new clean up tools. (VSP 000026)
• User measurements can now be named. (VSP 000027)
• Added option to select rotation speed between slow, standard and fast so scans be be made faster for robust products or slowed down for delicate product. (VSP 000028)
• User parameters and calculations can now be exported and imported for easy transfer between products. (VSP 000029)
0,0,1,26 (17 March 2009)
• User measurements can now be deleted when an error exists in the function. (VSP 000015)
• User measurements where not being calculated after a new scan (VSP 000016)
0,0,1,25 (6 March 2009)
• The 3D image colour can now be defined in the Product Parameters window. (VSP 000014)
• Option to view the results spreadsheet in Excel. (VSP 000013)
• User defined parameters and results added. (VSP 000012)
• New “Mail to...” command and toolbar button added to email the active document as an attachment. (VSP 000011)
• Now drop list added to 2D pot area to quickly select held slice. (VSP 000009)
• Slice area and volume now displayed under 2D plot. (VSP 00008)
• Volume Yield is now Specific Volume. (VSP 000006)
• Fixed problem where column and row headings were not being copied to the clipboard. (VSP 000005)
• Slice height and width at the bottom of the 2D plot are now hot spots and when clicked the measurement is added to the user measurements window. (VSP 000004)
• Form ratio calculation added. (VSP 000003)
• Statistics are now given for the middle slice. (VSP 000002)
• User measurements can now be added to the results spreadsheet. (VSP 000001)